Ash Ponders on Oregon Public Broadcasting for Betty LaDuke

Betty LaDuke reflects on 8 decades of activist art

OPB licensed a number of my photos for use in their ten minute documentary about the artistic efforts of Betty LaDuke. The images were originally produced in early 2018 for the NGO UUSC, which then provided my images royalty-free to the group No More Deaths. A No More Deaths campaign called Faith Floods the Desert drew LaDuke to the region known as the Devil’s Highway, where more than 100 gallons bottles of water were distributed in various nooks around the desert.

Most of what I remember about that day was an intense and overwhelming desire for water. It was a blistering summer day without a cloud in the sky. I was worried for the well-being of the many elder faith leaders that had come to march water into the desert.

Phoenix based; available for work in Latin America and the US Southwest.
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